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Human Resource Development Strategy


a. Objectives

- Developing, standardizing teaching staffs and managing staffs in such a way as to ensure quality and quantity, integrate structure, and especially focus on enhancing political stuff, moral principals and professional ethics, professional knowledge or skill, as well as working professionally to meet development demands of the college in integration period.

- Developing teaching staffs with intensive professional knowledge so that 100% of the teachers can teach both theory and practice; 70% staffs have bachelor degrees or higher; 10% are “leading teachers” of vocational training sectors.


b. Solutions

- Selecting and supplementing teachers and managing staffs:

Formulating regulations and plans for attracting talents, recruiting and training young teachers; recruiting, training and fostering good students who have abilities and moral quality, good moral quality, and won prizes in national or international vocational skill contests; attracting good craftmen and experienced businessmen in practical activities to participate in teaching; planning and selecting managing staffs from teachers.


- Training, fostering to upgrade levels:

+ Further promoting the training and fostering, making long-term and short-term plans for training and fostering teachers as well as managing staffs, creating worthy positions of teachers in the college and society; suggesting the competent authorities create all conditions for teachers and managers to be trained to upgrade levels abroad by state budget.

+ Creating favorable conditions for teachers to regularly improve academic qualifications and professions, to participate in science researches together with approaching and grasping new advanced scientific technologies and new technologies; giving chances for managers to attend professional training courses on management.


- Efficiently using and promoting abilities of teachers:

 + Strengthening organization structure, completing management rules and working regulations to efficiently use available resources and to promote all capabilities of staffs and teachers. Creating a modern and fully equipped working environment, equal promotion opportunities for every teachers and staffs. Improving salary, improving mental and spiritual life of staffs to promote abilities and enthusiasm on teaching at the school.

+ Developing managing document system according to assignment and  classification of responsibility and authority of the individual and the department. Reviewing, assessing and rearranging teachers or staffs in faculties and departments;  performing screening mechanisms to ensure quality.



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